After having received an incredible collection of entries from aspiring film-makers since its launch before Christmas, Patrick Watson and creative group Genero have since announced the winner of the ‘Blackwind’ video-making competition. Chloé Poirier-Sauvé from Canada has had her beautifully crafted piece awarded the title of the single’s official video.
On choosing a winner, Patrick Watson had this to say:
“We never thought there would be that many good entries. Crazy. And of course, we couldn’t agree on what should win.”
“In the end, we decided to go with a video that impressed us with its artistic qualities. It struck us as more than a music video: it stands on its own as a work of art, which just happens to be inspired by our music. This wasn’t an easy choice. Some we liked for the story, some for the beautiful images, some surprised us, others simply touched us. And they go in every direction, which amazes me: who would think one song could inspire so many different feelings and ideas?”